The truth about my retirement, why I'm back, and what it means for you and your wealth

Dear Reader, 

In the winter of 1999, I wrote my first newsletter… 

Huddled over a borrowed laptop, I spent months writing and rewriting what I believed to be the most important economic story of the decade. 

A story about the coming technological disruption that would change everything in America… 

… and destroy one of the country’s most popular, widely-held stocks in the process. 

I had no “right” to tell this story… 

I wasn’t a stockbroker or financial analyst.

I’d never worked for an investment bank or on Wall Street.

And beyond having access to the SEC’s database of financial statements and annual reports… I had no special insights into corporate America. 

I did, however, know two things that most investors didn’t… 

#1. I knew the Internet was going to transform the world’s economy more profoundly than any new technology since the invention of electricity and…  

#2. I knew Wall Street and the financial media were doing a God-awful job of explaining the opportunities and risks of this innovation. 

For example, with so much fiber optic cable being laid along our country’s railroads and ocean floors, it was clear to me long-distance telecom prices would decline to practically zero…

And that this process would decimate the telecom sector while simultaneously creating a massive new internet economy.

“This trend promises to be even more valuable than the trend of computer growth which made billions for some  investors.”

There's A New Railroad Across America
Porter Stansberry, 1999

   “This trend promises to be even more valuable than the       trend of computer growth, which made billions for some       investors.”

     There's A New Railroad Across America
     Porter Stansberry, 1999

Yet, nobody was telling investors what was coming… 

So, from the kitchen table of my 3rd-floor apartment in one of Baltimore’s most notorious neighborhoods, I took it upon myself to tell the story…  

I wrote that there was a new fiber-optic “railroad” being built across America and that it was going to make early investors very rich.   

   “The new network is so powerful it will soon deliver         phone, fax, Internet, and cable TV to your home, at less     than 10% of the cost you are paying now.

   Internet II is coming and the experts don’t even know       about it.”

“The new network is so powerful it will deliver phone, fax, Internet, and cable TV to your home, at less  than 10% of the cost you are paying now.

Internet II is coming and the experts don’t even know about it.”

That letter – in which I predicted the demise of AT&T, one of America’s most dominant companies and widely-held stocks – was read by tens of thousands of people. 

And it became the foundation on which my firm, Stansberry Research, was built.  

Over the next 25 years, Stansberry Research grew into one of the world’s largest and most successful investment research firms ever… 

We had millions of readers in 170 countries… 

And our research was read by CEOs, politicians, Wall Street execs, presidential advisors, and even reportedly landed on Warren Buffett’s desk.

This success all stemmed from one simple premise 

Identifying big, world-changing ideas before other investors. 

Ideas with the potential to disrupt the status quo… 

To change how the world works, usurp entrenched competitors, revolutionize the global economy, and unleash exciting new industries…  

And, most importantly, to potentially make early investors – like you – a fortune. 

We worked tirelessly to identify the most impactful changes occurring in the financial markets and global economy. 

We predicted – often long before anyone else – some of the most important economic and investment trends of the last two decades.  

However, unlike a hedge fund or a family office, we didn’t trade on these insights ourselves. Instead, we helped our readers capitalize on them.

Did we spot every new trend? 

No, of course not. And sometimes our predictions were wrong. I don’t shy away from that fact. Nobody is right 100% of the time. 

As John C. Bogle, founder of Vanguard – one of the world’s largest funds, with $7.2 trillion in assets under management – says:

"Investing is an inexact science, and it’s not an exact art either. It involves a lot of judgment and a lot of luck." 

But our goal always remained clear

To provide our readers with unparalleled financial research they can use to help protect and grow their wealth.  

To give our readers the information that is typically off-limits to anyone outside of large investment banks and hedge funds. 

In the late 1990s, after spotting the impact of the coming Internet revolution, I recommended buying Amazon at a split-adjusted $1.50. 

In March 2006, I recommended my subscribers put 25% of their portfolio into Budweiser. In a letter titled, “WILL YOU BUY ENOUGH?” I told my readers: 

   “Sell whatever it takes to free up the capital you need.     Whatever it takes: make sure you act on this month's         recommendation. Don’t wait.”

“Sell whatever it takes to free up the capital you need. Whatever it takes: make sure you act on this month's recommendation. Don’t wait.”

I knew Budweiser would potentially be one of the safest and best investments I could ever recommend.

I was right. 

Buffett bought shares too. 

Just 33 months later we made 69.2% when the Brazilian brewer InBev bought Budweiser. 

And this was during the height of the 2008 financial crisis when the S&P crashed by 48%, when the NASDAQ was down 40%, and when most investors were in a state of despair.     

I also recommended one of my favorite companies, Hershey’s, which is now up 610%.

I debunked the panic around “Peak Oil”, detailing how higher prices for hydrocarbons would fuel innovation and new discoveries of oil. 

In 2010 I was among the first analysts covering the Texas shale boom and predicting that U.S. oil production would hit a new all-time high before the end of the decade. 

I also warned that oil prices would fall below $40 a barrel as a result. 

As everyone knows, U.S. oil production reached new highs in 2016 and the price of oil collapsed. 

And on March 25, 2020, in the midst of COVID-19, I hosted an emergency broadcast where I named a handful of companies to buy immediately. 

With investors in a state of unbridled panic, I believed these companies had been unfairly punished and, as a result, were trading at huge discounts. 

At the time of writing, all of these companies are up by at least double digits, with the worst performer up 37%

Identifying investment opportunities like these was just one part of our business, however. 

We also built a name as the firm who was willing to expose the financial industry’s darkest secrets… dirty laundry the mainstream media wouldn’t dare to air. 

I built the business with private, paying subscribers, so we would never be beholden to politicians, corporations, or the mainstream media. 

We remained 100% independent. 

This is how, while other media outlets pretended everything was sunshine and rainbows, we helped protect our followers from some of the worst financial malfeasance and crises…   

In 2002, I warned investors that General Electric was a house of cards and that it was doomed to collapse in an Enron-like implosion of bad debt. 

At the time, General Electric was the world's most valuable publicly traded company. Nobody on Wall Street believed it would collapse.

But by following my research to its logical conclusion, I knew its demise was inevitable and I recommended shorting the stock. 

I did the same with General Motors in 2006 when I wrote an entire series titled “Letters from the Chairman of General Motors.”  

The letters explained in plain English with clear, basic financial data, why General Motors was inevitably going bankrupt. 

It’s what the real Chairman of GM at the time, Rick Wagoner, should have been telling investors but wasn’t. 

Instead, GM’s corporate staff published inscrutable reports with all kinds of financial jargon that was designed to deceive investors.
My “Letters from the Chairman” told the truth, and were passed around Wall Street, and even landed on Warren Buffett’s desk reportedly 

Despite many analysts mocking my predictions as absurd, General Motors filed for bankruptcy three years later. 

Readers who’d followed my recommendation to short the stock had the chance to make a killing while millions of others saw their investment evaporate.

I also exposed the fraud at the heart of the Great Financial Crisis in 2008, warning that the U.S. housing and financial markets were about to collapse. 

   “By the time this process is complete, I wouldn't be         surprised to see the average price of a U.S. home fall       30%-40%…  

   The integrity of the mortgage banking complex will be       destroyed.” 

"By the time this is complete, I wouldn't be surprised to see the average price of a U.S. home fall    30%-40%…  

The integrity of the mortgage banking complex will be destroyed.” 

And, perhaps most famously, long before COVID-19, I produced a 77-minute documentary called “The End of America”…

In the movie, which has now been viewed over 100 million times, I detailed how the U.S. government’s bailouts, money printing, and soaring debt burden would lead to a crisis of civil society and a complete change to our way of life. 

I predicted in near-perfect detail the riots, lockdowns, protests, and rampant inflation we are now experiencing.

   “As this problem comes to a head, I expect there to be       riots in the streets, arrests on an unprecedented scale,     and martial law, enforced by the U.S. military."

With these ideas – and many others – I’m proud to say I was able to help my readers to protect their hard-earned money and grow it exponentially too.


But the question is… 

Why didn’t others, particularly the mainstream financial press and Wall Street, see what was so obvious to my team and me? 

How could anyone have missed the fact that General Motors couldn’t make enough money selling cars to pay the interest on its existing debts and its pension obligations? 

How could anyone in finance have missed the fact that Fannie and Freddie were insuring subprime mortgages that were certain to contain hundreds of billions in losses?

How could anyone in the oil business have missed the thousands of new wells being drilled in Texas that were producing huge volumes of new oil? 

How could anyone with even a basic understanding of economics not see that unfettered quantitative easing would devalue the U.S. dollar? 

These stories were all so big, and their implications were all so obvious that it seems hard to believe that our reporting was extremely controversial at the time. 

So why were we able to see these facts so clearly, even when others couldn’t? 

I think it’s because what you believe about the world often depends on where you sit. 

It’s difficult to be objective about the hand that’s feeding you. 

General Electric was a major corporate debt issuer and paid millions in fees to Wall Street’s biggest banks. 

It also owned the major financial cable channel, CNBC. 

While making millions from GE, which financial institution would go on the record to say the company was another Enron in the making?

Or how about the fact that General Motors and its local dealers were the largest buyers of advertising in the United States? 

Virtually every newspaper and every media network needed GM to survive so it could buy more advertising. 

Which media outlet could afford to report critically about their management or their declining financial results? 

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sat squarely in the center of the entire global financial system…  

Who would warn of their impending collapse without risking a global financial panic? 

As the European Central bank chairman said during the financial crisis, when a problem is serious, “you lie.” 

But we didn’t lie. We didn’t have to. 

You see, virtually every media outlet has some obvious bias that greatly distorts the facts they report. 

That’s a huge problem.

What investors need to be successful is objectivity. 

Investors must know the numbers and they must know what they mean – even if the truth threatens a powerful corporation or a popular philosophical theme. 

That’s why my team and I pioneered a new mode of financial thinking that operated independently from Wall Street and the mainstream financial media. 

We built our business around one simple core idea: to give our readers the information we would most want if our roles were reversed.

Doing so requires a dedication to publishing the facts we uncover without fear, favoritism, or biases. 

This is the role of the free press in our society. 

But it’s an obligation the mainstream media has forgotten. 

To keep ourselves objective we refused to take commissions… we refused to accept advertising… and we refused to accept outside investors. 

We just told the truth. 

Then, in my opinion, we got too big… 

As Stansberry Research grew from my kitchen table to a huge corporation with hundreds of employees, I believe we lost sight of our original vision. 

We went from a group of muckraking financial investigators exposing the biggest investment stories and opportunities to a corporation bogged down by meetings, quotas, and H.R.  

So after 25 years steering the ship, I stepped down as CEO, sold the company to a British investment firm, and retired to my farm in Maryland.


Unfortunately, during my retirement, I watched in disgust as the financial publishing industry drove itself off a cliff. 

Publishers started to put you, the reader, second. 

They started recommending everything and anything to make themselves a quick buck, often at your expense

They claimed every new idea was “the next big thing”… a sure-fire way to get rich… a can’t-miss opportunity.  

Cryptocurrencies… forex… penny stocks… NFTs… day trading… whatever the flavor of the month was, they recommended it with zero shame. 

And investors like you suffered. 

Sure, an “analyst” may get lucky recommending a meme stock, options trade, or crypto on Monday… but it could be a zero by Friday. 

The fact of the matter is… building true, lasting, and permanent wealth takes time and patience.

As Warren Buffett says: 

“No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” 

My dad would tell you the same thing. 

He worked for one of Buffett’s “forever” companies – Coca-Cola. Not as an executive but as a regular Joe doing his best to provide for his family. 

He never dreamed of being wealthy. But when Coke started offering employee-matched contributions, Dad bought as much stock as he could afford. 

That one investment idea… in a great company… over the long term… eventually gave my mom and dad a lifestyle they’d never imagined possible. 

They weren’t rich, but they were able to buy a vacation home in the mountains, put my brother and me through college, and eventually retire in relative comfort.  

My dad’s experience opened my eyes to the potential power of intelligent, long-term investing...and set me on this multi-decade journey. 

And it’s what I’ve always tried to teach my readers. 

Because I firmly believe with patience, time, and a handful of great investment ideas…

... anyone – regardless of age, location, education, or income – can amass their own personal fortune over the long run.  

That’s why, after several years of retirement, I felt compelled to go back to my financial publishing roots… 

... and do my best to resurrect an industry that had lost its way.


In 2022, I started Porter & Co. from my tractor barn. 

At Porter & Co. I do the same things I have always done…  

I work side by side with extraordinary analysts to find the major investment and economic stories the financial media can’t or won’t cover. 

Finding these ideas is not easy. 

Our team includes legendary Wall Street analysts, former fund managers, Fortune 100 consultants, and Harvard and Yale graduates. 

We spend countless hours and millions of dollars on our research and analysis… and go to extreme lengths to vet our ideas. 

Whether that means I have to fly to meet the CEO of a company… make a dozen phone calls during the day… or tap my Wall Street connections to get to the truth… 

At Porter & Co. we do whatever it takes. 

So that whenever we put out a new investment thesis, our readers can have total confidence in our analysis.      

Perhaps most importantly though, at Porter & Co. I’m finally unshackled. 

Nobody gets to tell me what I can and can’t write… there’s no bureaucracy suggesting I “tone down” my ideas or “toe the line.”

I no longer have to meet any demands for growth or waste my time with endless meetings, red tape, and H.R. nonsense. 

I simply do the work. 

My team and I all sit together in the hay loft of my tractor barn to find, research, and publish major investment ideas. 

We are searching for big themes that will last a decade or longer. 

We want to identify ideas that we believe are way ahead of the market and that our readers will not find anywhere else. 

I’m not interested, personally, in merely finding a single small stock that’s going to go up a little next week. 

I want to find companies that I can invest in for decades… companies that can generate real, lasting wealth over the long term. 

The kind of wealth that I can depend on, that I can plan on, and that can sustain my family for decades, no matter what happens to the economy.


If that’s what you’re looking for too…

I’d like to invite you to test-drive Porter & Co.’s flagship financial advisory, THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET. 

For the first time in years, I’m excited again. 

I’m back in the trenches. Doing what I love. Working to find YOU the best investment opportunities that nobody else is talking about.   

And if you choose to accept today’s invitation, you’ll get instant access to some of the best work I’ve ever done.

Research I’m proud to put my name on. Research that is not available anywhere else – on ideas that almost no one else is talking about.  

Right now at Porter & Co. we have a handful of core themes we are focused on, including: 

The New Energy Renaissance… Battleship Stocks… The Greatest Legal Transfer of Wealth in History… the End of America… and more.   

We believe these investment themes will dominate the markets in the years ahead... 

And we’re positioning ourselves to profit from each with unique investments I’m willing to bet you’ve never heard of.  

To get you up to speed on these major trends, I’d like to give you instant access to our library of investment briefings, including: 


Discover the U.S. company disrupting the global energy markets with the potential to become one of the world’s most important energy firms.

I believe this could be one of the best discoveries I’ve ever made… with colossal upside potential in the years ahead. 


This firm could become one of the most valuable energy infrastructure facilities in the world. 

It has a unique business model designed solely to serve international markets for energy. 

Backed by billionaire investors and top Wall Street funds, I believe this company will be worth at least $100 billion in ten years.


This unique royalty company is safe from the volatile nature of the energy sector and is currently paying a yield of nearly 11%.


An obscure REIT that does not invest in any physical real estate... 

And is effectively backed by the U.S. government, and will deliver 13.8% annual yield with very limited risk.


Discover why America’s most closely guarded national secret is the world’s ultimate energy solution… 

And the little-known government contractor that has this potential multi-trillion-dollar industry locked up for decades to come.  


One of my most controversial reports ever reveals a nearly foolproof way to profit on the growth of poverty in America.

As the economic fiasco continues to evolve, there could be tremendous growth in this industry — simply because more and more Americans will slip into poverty. 

And this company is one of the very few safe – and highly capital efficient – ways to profit from this inevitable trend.

To get access to these reports – plus several others – all you’ve got to do is test-drive my new research service...

The Big  Secret on Wall Street

This is Porter & Co.’s flagship financial advisory service, personally written by me and two of the best analysts I’ve ever worked with.

As a member you’ll get instant access to the briefings I’ve told you about today.But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, as you’ll also get: 


Every other week, on Friday afternoon, THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET will reveal the most important (yet overlooked) opportunities in the markets. 

Each new issue will explore a new investment opportunity or trend in exacting, exhaustive detail. 

I’m talking about research reports and investment ideas you simply cannot get anywhere, at any price.  

In fact, outside of the research teams inside hedge funds, banks, and private equity firms, there’s no one producing research like this.

And if you join today, in addition to the research backlog, you will also get access to every new BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET report for an entire year. 


Each recommendation will be logged and tracked in our model portfolio. 

As of today, there are 17 ‘buys’ in the portfolio. 

Our battleship stocks, which are designed to give you immunity against the chaotic market, are up 12% on average, since July 2022.

Only one position is in the red. The rest are up. Even though the market itself has gained no steam over the last nine months.

As you now know, we believe in the kinds of investments that are destined to have a huge impact in the world, and not just trends that come and go like the wind.

As a new member, you’ll receive timely updates and alerts on all of our positions. 

You’ll never miss a beat. And hopefully, by this time next year, you’ll have the most impressive portfolio of anyone you know.


Every year I host a private conference at my 100-acre farm in Maryland. 

At this event, you’ll hear from a selection of hand-picked experts giving private presentations on the most exciting financial opportunities. 

As a member of THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET, you will get a digital access pass so you can watch these talks from the comfort of your home.

No need to travel across the country, pay for flights and accommodation. Just sit back with your favorite beverage and join us through the digital stream. 

Tickets to this event cost a minimum of $5,000 – not to mention flights and accommodation – but you get digital access for free.

All this (and more) is waiting for you inside THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET and right now I’m giving you a 30% discount.

Typically, membership is $1,425 per year, but as a special offer to new members you can join today for only $1,000. 

That’s a saving of more than $400. 

Less than 3 bucks per day for access to financial research that we invest millions of dollars to produce. 

And that has the potential to forever transform your family’s finances and future.    

To claim your membership, simply click here.

You’ll be taken to an encrypted webpage where you can enter your details to secure your spot inside THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET.  

And look, I don’t expect you to take my word for everything we’ve covered today… 

Which is why I want to let you “test-drive” our research before you make your final decision. 

Click here now, secure your spot, then take a full 30 days to check out our work with no obligation. 

If at any point you decide THE BIG SECRET ON WALL STREET isn’t for you, just contact my team and we’ll promptly issue you a refund, minus a 10% cancellation fee. 

To take advantage of this special discounted offer, simply click the button below now. 

Or, if you prefer, you can call my office to speak with my team. 

All the details are listed on the next page, so go ahead and click the link below while this offer is still available.  

I look forward to meeting you. 

Porter Stansberry 

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